I have dedicated the last twenty years to developing strategies to sell the artwork of my husband, Drew Brophy. After thousands of hours of study, research and hands-on-experience, I became an expert on art licensing, deal making, and selling art. I learned how to grow our art sales beyond multiple six figures, every year since the late 1990’s.
Now, I’m dedicated to helping artists (like you!) live the life of their dreams and turn their passions to profit!
Scammers are getting highly sophisticated and I should know, I’m the victim of one. There are many scams out there, but in this blog post, I’ll share the top three that target[...]
I had a profound experience with a voice coach a few months ago and I wanted to share it, because I think it will help some of you, my dear creative friends.[...]
Are we in a time warp?! Seriously, where did those first six months of 2024 go? And here I am, still “wrapping up” my next book, titled Covid, a Love Story. I[...]
I grew weary of setting new year’s resolutions a few years ago. I seemed to always disappoint myself. At one time, I saw that for five years in a row, I wrote[...]
The six figure artist has learned and applied just a few strategies needed
to run a successful art business.
You can too.