INCREASE ART SALES $$ – 11 WEEK COACHING BY E-MAIL (Free): A free e-coaching series that guides you to create your own art business structure step-by-step, called
“Ten Principles of Success for Artists.”
When you sign up, you’ll receive an 11 week coaching course that teaches powerful art business strategies.
Every artist who participates in this series experiences a quantum leap in growth in their art business.
Sign up here.
Just want you to know that I LOVE your honest emails! The to-the-meat-of-it info; the stuff no one else wants to share but we artists need to know.” Julie Schwartz, Artist and Writer”
“I have been receiving emails from you for 8 months. I finally did your worksheet for P1. Amazing what happens when one actually does the hand written exercises. Just wanted to say Thank You! You’re amazing. You are the “one influential” person I WILL meet this year! Enjoy Life, Gar Benedick.“
A quick note to tell you how much I love your emails! Your words are encouraging and straight forward. I am a big fan of your book ‘Art, Money Success.’ And feel so blessed to get even more wonderful guidance from you through these emails. I appreciate you!
Sara Baker”
“I discovered your blog, ordered your book and have typed up my Commission Price sheet. You are straight to the point and that cuts through all the BS. I love all the personal examples you give. ‘Do this and let me tell you why… ‘ I love the weekly email system and exercises. You are soooo right, writing it down makes a world of difference. You are an awesome coach. Hugs from England, Tina at Sri Yanta Mandalas
If you’re feeling STUCK, not sure WHAT YOU WANT and maybe you’re even angry or depressed about where you are….
I have a solution. And it’s easy, super low-cost and TRANSFORMATIVE! (and it only takes 15 minutes a day)
Journaling combined with breathing and ASKING the right questions will literally create a SHIFT that changes things for you.
Let me guide you every day for 14 days in my DAILY JOURNAL PRACTICE. I will walk you through a short 15 minute practice that will literally change your life.
BEGIN TODAY – Click here:
ART LICENSING: LEARN THE BEST WAYS TO GET YOUR ART ON PRODUCTS! There are so many things you need to learn before licensing your art. Such as, “is my art licensable” and “what do I charge” and “how do I find an agent.”I
If you want to learn how you can make money using the same images over and over again for different products, and you want to learn from someone who’s done it it for over 20 years, sign up for my ART LICENSING 101 Online Course – and learn the secrets on how to get started in one day!
That was a wonderful course. I dabbled in licensing in the past and I am now re-energized and inspired! Just signed up for Art Licensing 2. Thank you for sharing your expertise. You are amazing.” DONNA GOEDDAEUS
Sign up for my free ART LICENSING MADE EASY E-SERIES: Sign up for my FREE “Art Licensing Made Easy” coaching by email. It is a ten week series called “
ART LICENSING MADE EASY” which will give you a teaser on you how to license your work and know what to charge for licensing your art.
“I check my emails and do a little happy dance when I see yours! Your book is amazing as well! I am new to art licensing. Thank you for these free tips and guides. Mayda”
Finally make a living doing what you love. A complete and easy-to-follow system for the artist who wasn’t born with a business mind. Learn how to find buyers, get paid fairly, negotiate nicely, deal with copycats and sell more art.
Sign up for a FREE PEEK INSIDE (you’ll be sent excerpts pulled right out of the book):
1 –
Wall mural proposal template that you can use again and again, with the perfect language and look that will impress your client and get you paid
2 –
Explanation of how to use the wall mural proposal
3 –
A sample price sheet with a pricing structure (complete with our own mural pricing that you can use as your guide)
This package solves all of your worries about how much to charge and what should be included in your price! I’ve been pricing and writing mural proposals for almost two decades. I figured it out for you- all you have to do is plug in your info! I put this package together to help artists ACTUALLY make money doing what they love; painting murals.
My promise to you; this proposal template and explanation will make your job easier as a mural artist.
In this package, I share the following insider secrets to mural painting:
- How much money you should charge, and what I’m charging!
- I give you all my pricing in a structure that lays out different prices for different sizes – it’s in a word doc, so you can make changes to the price sheet for your own use
- I explain what limits you should have in your proposal to keep your client from making too many changes on the sketches or from changing the scope of the work
- Payment schedule to ensure that you get paid up front and on time!
- Tips on how to close the deal
Artist’s Wall Mural Proposal Template and Price Sheet

Many artists spend countless hours trying to decipher complicated agreements from the back of art books when they want their own license agreement.
This package saves you from all that, because we’ve done most of the work for you! (Provided in downloadable Word Docs so no re-typing necessary!)
Included is a
Sample License Agreement Template that you can make changes to so you can use it again and again, for many different deals, a
Separate PDF sheet explaining basics of what you need to know to get started, and a
Template of an AMENDMENT to License Agreement, for future use should you make changes to the contract, add new artworks, or extend the life of the agreement, and a
BONUS! Template of a Deal Memo, a form you would use to make an offer or deal to a prospect.
To see if this template is perfect for you, go to this link for details: License Template

HOW TO GET YOUR ART INTO CORPORATE COLLECTIONS (HOSPITALS, CORPORATIONS, HOTELS, ETC.) Getting Your Art into Corporate Collections ebook by Liron Sissman is short and sweet, but it’s greatest value is telling you what you only learn after years of being in the biz (and now it’s all here in an ebook):
How they work, where to find them. Liron even shares contact information for many of the art consultants and brokers, which is a treasure trove of info! Check it out here:
Written by Drew Brophy and Maria Brophy
This book is Drew Brophy’s scrapbook that follows his early days as an artist (a confused teenager with a little talent) through his multiple breakthroughs, challenges, disappointments and successes. Included in the book:
- Sketches, rough and refined
- Photos of painted canvas, surfboards, skateboards and illustrations
- Lots and lots of painted surfboards
And so much more!
If you ever wondered if you should keep going, even when it seems the world is fighting your vision, then this book is for you!
Two order options:
Direct from artist (Signed):
Direct from Amazon (Prime):

Overwhelmed – Confused – Not Clear – Anxious – Worried?
This writing practice will fix all of that!
For 2 weeks I will guide you through a short writing exercise designed to help you get control over what you have control over; your mind, thoughts and feelings.
Before the end of the 2 weeks you will have found greater CLARITY – PEACE – HAPPINESS.
Click this link and read more about it:
Note: Some links on this site may be affiliate links, which means that should you purchase, I receive a commission.
Please know that I only post links to resources that I fully believe in; I have turned down many, many opportunities to be an affiliate for programs that I didn’t feel were good enough to share with you, my reader.
So if a link is on my site, you can feel good knowing that it’s a resource that I bought or tried myself and that I fully stand behind. Thank you for supporting this blog!