INTRODUCING THE BOOK:  ART, MONEY & SUCCESS.   Finally make a living doing what you love.   A complete and easy-to-follow system for the artist who wasn’t born with a business mind.  Learn how to find buyers, get paid fairly, negotiate nicely, deal with copycats and sell more art.

FREE WORKSHEET DOWNLOAD (for those who bought my book):

(ART LICENSING MADE EASY is my next book, due out Spring 2022 – sign up for free Art Licensing Course and book excerpts here.  )

Making a living with your art shouldn’t be so hard.  You deserve to be paid well for your talent and hard work.  Other artists are doing it, so why can’t you?

It’s not your fault.  You just haven’t been given the right strategies that it takes to have a thriving, successful art business.   All that changes now!

In ART, MONEY & SUCCESS  I share tried and true strategies to earn a full-time living with your art.  Throughout the book, I’ll coach you through a series of exercises so that you get instant results.   If you take just half of the guidance provided in this book, you will take your art business to the next level.

Order your own copy here for the printed version or here for the Kindle version.

“I got your book and immediately implemented ONE strategy. I followed up with several leads and I’m thrilled to share that within two hours, I reached the CEO of a national organization.  After our conversation, they are looking forward to exploring how to work with me.  She actually thanked ME for contacting them. WOW!  May God richly bless you, Drew, your family and your business.  2018 is going to be phenomenal for the both of us.   Antonia Ruppert.”  SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE TESTIMONIALS ON THE BOOK

(If you already bought the Kindle Version, or even the printed book, sign up for free, download of print-able worksheets to go with ART, MONEY & SUCCESSplease only sign up for these worksheets if you have already bought the book: )

 In 2003 I left the corporate world to work full time with my husband, artist Drew Brophy.   We had the dream to live a life of surfing and creating art while traveling.

The day I left that corporate job was the day my real life began.  But, had no idea how we were going to replace my newly lost income and support our family.  Our son was just  a baby at the time.  Over time, we learned how to build Drew’s brand as a surf artist and generate multiple streams of income.  We made money from original art, reproductions, illustrations and licensing.  We also figured out how to make every single event we attended make money for us.  It was as though we were putting the pieces to a puzzle together, one by one.  Now, many years later, we find ourselves sharing our strategies with other artists.

I decided to write this book after working with hundreds of artists, in which I coached them to create their own thriving art business.  The feedback was positive and plentiful.  Every day for the past three years I have received emails from artists telling me how much my guidance has helped them.

So I thought, if I put this information into a book, I could reach tens of thousands of artists with this information.  And here it is.

ART, MONEY & SUCCESS is not just a book of strategies but it’s also a workbook that acts as though you have me, your coach, right there with you.  Many chapters end with a worksheet of exercises designed to get you thinking and problem solving on the spot.

Some of the strategies covered in the book include:

  • Get clarity on what you want
  • Find your Right Buyer
  • Get started selling your art
  • How to price your work
  • Galleries and how to get into them
  • How to make money and sell art in non-conventional ways
  • How to set income goals
  • Copyrights
  • Written agreements – are they necessary
  • and much more!

In the book, I share a lot of my personal stories and the stories of others so that you can get a better understanding of some of the concepts.

I put myself out on a limb writing this book, as much of the information is non-conventional, and I am sure to be criticized by people who are stuck in an old way of doing it.

But if you want to make money with your art, my book will help you do it.  The conventional ways don’t work, and they hardly ever did.  There is a way to do it, and I show you how.

The book is now released and is available on Amazon and Kindle .  If you want to read excerpts of it first, before committing to a purchase, sign up to be on my email list HERE.


“Thank you for writing your wonderful book.  I’ve been searching for over 20 years to find one this honest and practical, written by someone who actually earns their living from art.  So far I’m at chapter 17 and have reams of notes.”  Paula Christen

Loving your book.  It has opened my eyes to the multitude of opportunities that I hadn’t thought of.   I especially loved the saying “I reject that negative thought.”   I have used it 1000’s of times already and find it really works.”  Kirsten McIntosh
At my girlfriend’s behest I got a digital copy and have read it, the tips and suggestions make an awful lot of sense to me, and I am not an artist whatsoever.  I know that my girlfriend has already started to put in place things that you have mentioned such as fees for sketches(and additional ones) and kill clauses.   Your book is written in an easy to understand format, to a non-artist.  And has bits which I use in my retail career.  Just wanted to say thank you for sharing tips and giving straight forward advice in your book.”    Michael from the U.K.
Your book is fantastic. It’s such an important addition to the library of books aimed at helping artists figure it all out. What I like most is the very thing you said you were the most hesitant about – revealing too much.  Your willingness to “expose” yourself and your business demonstrates such confidence and true belief in your methods.  It’s very inspiring. I feel so much clearer about having conversations with clients.”  Joan Chamberlain
“I haven’t emailed you about your book yet as it really blew me away, I haven’t been able to put it into words, still can’t really.   All I can say is thank you, thank you, I have never read a book like it.   I love your honesty and your down to earth ways and you have altered the way I think about my art and business for the better.   Jutta, Chainsaw Artist, U.K.”

I just finished reading your entire book! I loved it so much, I bought a copy for my best artist friend for Christmas. And yesterday I had a workshop in my studio and I recommended it to all my students who are artists. I want to read it again now and implement everything I can into my art business. It is so refreshing, helpful, and accessible.   I got so much clarity from the idea that I need to value my time at a weekly rate and daily rate.  It helped me put together a proposal for a retreat someone asked me to teach and I saw that it’s not worth my time unless I get paid for at least five days of work at my day rate.

Your book had so much in it that I have not found in other books. The templates and numbers and real-life scenarios were so helpful.  It was a quick and engaging read. The stories were so good – I am cheering for you and your husband and your family. Way to make it happen.

Thank you so much for what you’ve created.  I read so many books about art and business and personal development and yours made so much sense and resonated with me SO much!    Annamieka Davidson”