Say Yes! To All Opportunities for Media Exposure

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When someone offers you something, take it!  When an opportunity arises, seize it!”

Journalists and television programmers are always looking for someone interesting to feature, and as a creative professional, you have one advantage over most other business owners:  you’re interesting!

Talented writers, artists and photographers have a mystery about them, and the rest of the world wants to know more.

The advantage of being featured on t.v. or in a magazine article is this:  free advertising.  Just one t.v. spot or mention could garner you over a million dollars worth of marketing!

Knowing this, I’m surprised when I hear from friends who say, “yeah, that magazine called me for an interview but I’ve just been so busy….”

You should jump on any opportunity to be featured. And by jump, I mean get the journalist what they need, NOW.  They work on a deadline, so respond immediately and send photos and be prepared BEFORE they call.  (Read “Why Artists Should Shoot Themselves for tips on being prepared.)

THE SURPRISE T.V. EXPOSURE:  A few years ago I received a phone call from a film student named Naz Namazi.    She was creating a documentary about artists and their impact on the surf industry, and she asked Drew to be one of the four artists she was featuring.

We were extremely busy at the time, and I questioned what the quality of the film would be, as it was being done by students.  But I encouraged Drew to say yes, because I knew it would be good practice for him to be on camera, and Naz was so passionate about her film that we couldn’t say no!

Naz and her crew spent several days filming Drew painting in his studio, and of him surfing, and they even came to our home and interviewed both of us in our back yard.

The other three artists wouldn’t commit to a film schedule. They were too busy and weren’t interested in putting in the time required.

Naz’ documentary evolved from being a film about surf artists to being a film about one artist: Drew Brophy.  The film was excellent:  interesting and entertaining to watch.

It was so well done, that Cox Channel 39 aired the documentary repeatedly over a 24 month period.  Well over five million people were exposed to it!   (We still get stopped regularly from people saying “I saw your documentary on TV.”)

The other artists missed out on this great opportunity because they were “too busy”.  They didn’t see the value in being a part of this film, nor did they realize they would enjoy free advertising that was worth over any amount they would be able to pay themselves.

Just like us, I’m sure most artists get a lot of bull-hockey offers to do things that are time-wasters for people who are only self-serving.  And it’s time consuming to consider every request.

But, every opportunity is worth considering, and I carefully sort out the time-wasters from the good ones.

I make it a point to seize every viable opportunity that life hands me.

Here’s a list of some of the opportunities you should seize and/or create yourself:

  • Speaking Opportunities (at schools and events to share your experience or knowledge)
  • Demonstration Opportunities (share what you know and your fan base will grow)
  • TV and Radio Opportunities (free advertising while giving to the public)
  • Magazine Interviews (same as above)
  • Participating in a powerful Event with well respected people
  • Charity Events that Give to the Giver (they appreciate what you bring to the table)
  • Collaborating with another artist
  • Learn  new techniques by working with other artists
  • Teach your techniques to other artists

These opportunities and demonstrations will not only serve the people who ask you to help, but they also serve you.

They will help you to improve on your public speaking ability, your people skills, your art, and your sharing of information to others.

So the next time the media comes calling, say “YES!”  And enjoy the rewards.

Maria xxoo


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