Pimping your Art and Why Art Licensing Makes Sense

I always say that “art licensing is working smarter, not harder.”  But there are a few things you need to know, first.  I’ve written about it  many times before, like the time an artist called and asked me “A skateboard Co. wants to license my work. What do I do?”

I’ve also written a list of  Ten Questions to Ask Before Hooking Your Art up With a Licensee.

I’ll go into more detail on art licensing tomorrow morning on a Blog Talk Radio Interview.  I hope you’ll listen in!

WHEN:  Thursday, October 7, at 9:00 a.m. PST (noon EST)

WHAT:  I’ll be talking Art Licensing with show hosts and artists Leslie Saeta and Dreama Tolle Perry, live.

Listen in by going online to Artists Helping Artists.


  • Why should artists consider making money from licensing  their art?
  • How do you know if you and your art are a good candidate?
  • What are the first steps to take?
  • What would an artist need to keep in mind?
  • What are the pros & cons of licensing?
  • What are realistic incomes for 1st year, 2nd,year, 5 years, etc?
  • Should an artist consider hiring an “agent” or try to market their own art for licensing?
  • How important is it to attend the trade shows for art licensing?
  • How much time is involved in doing this (always a factor for artists) do you need a partner (as in spouse or family member, etc) to do this or can it be managed solo?
  • What do you think should be on the short, “Must Do”, list for an artist ready to move forward with entering into the licensing market?

Please join me!  If you have any questions on art licensing between now and tomorrow morning, ask in the comments below and I’ll try to cover it in the call.


Artist Tara Reed: ArtLicensingInfo.com – she offers a lot of resources for artists.  I highly recommend her ebooks.  (I’ve bought them myself and I”m now an affiliate!)

Joan Beiriger:  This lovely lady writes a blog and gives out so much free, valuable info that we should be sending her checks!  Check out Joan’s Blog Here.

Porterfields Fine Art:  This website has great Q&A for artists who want to know what they need to do to get started in art licensing.  Check out their Resources for Artists.

Here’s to your success!  Maria xxoo

PS:  To gain an understanding of Art Licensing Contracts, what to charge, how to protect yourself in a deal, and so much more:  Check out my e-Book, co-written with artist Tara Reed, called How to Understand Art Licensing Contracts.  This eBook will save you years of experience, time & money.  It will prevent you from getting into bad deals and show you what’s reasonable to ask for.  You’ll feel more confident going into each deal with this reference by your side.  It’s truly a must-have reference for all artists who are licensing their art!



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