ART MONEY SUCCESS – Make a Full Time Living with your Art


I’d like to announce that my new book, ART, MONEY & SUCCESS is now available on Amazon!

Please, hop on over to Amazon and order yourself a copy now!  Next month the price will increase quite a bit, so get your copy now.

While I personally prefer printed books (because I like to write in them, fold the pages and feel it in my hand), I know a lot of you love your Kindles.  So you can order it on Kindle, too.

The book is designed to be a working guidebook, almost as though I’m right by your side, coaching you.

I created it in a way so that you will get immediate results in art sales, business connections and a shift in your prosperity mindset.

If you do order yourself a copy, please do me a big favor and leave a nice review!  I will be forever appreciative.

It is my goal to become an Amazon bestselling author in my category, and to do that, I need a lot of reviews and book sales.

Here’s the book’s details printed on book back cover:


Why is it that some artists are wildly successful, while others just barely squeak by? It may seem like an unfathomable mystery, how some are earning six figures while other, more talented artists, are struggling.

Maria Brophy has dedicated 20 years of her life to researching the specific strategies that successful artists follow. After applying these strategies to her husband Drew Brophy’s career, Maria grew his art sales to multiple six-figures yearly.

In ART MONEY SUCCESS, Maria tells personal stories of her own business deals, successes and failures, while sharing non-conventional wisdom that will explode your art sales. With the exercises and worksheets included, you can apply the insights to your own business for immediate results. The tools inside will help you:

• Connect with your right buyers
• Increase your $$$ income today
• Sell art easily and negotiate nicely
• License your art and get paid multiple times for one artwork
• Implement powerful money and business practices
• Trust your own creative intuition

If you are interested in generating more money and
success from your art, then this book is for you!

A lot of people tell me that I should sell my work, but Maria Brophy is the first person who has been able to tell me how, in a viable way.” –Joe Mahoney

Hands-down the most practical business guide for artists I’ve ever read. The strategies and scripts inside will help you reach more buyers and easily sell your art for the price it deserves.” –Derek Murphy @creativindie


9 Responses

  1. because this is a step by step and not a novel, I’ll wait for the printed version to come out. I like to make notes and highlight the pages.

    Thanks for your wonderful resorces.

    1. Thank you, Cetriay! I agree, printed books are better. I love highlighting and writing in them.

      1. As I bought the ebook and English is not my prime languange, I have a (very nice) notebook where I am taking (tones) of notes. It’s being a very interesting book I fully recommend. So many things to do which directly point out my comfort (fear) zone!
        I hope I can read the notes again in the future and I can say….I did this! …and this!

  2. Got it! Looking forward to reading it!
    I love printed books, but I’ve recently discovered the convenience of digital ones.. I’ll read it sooner this way (and I can always get a paper copy later if I need it!)

  3. Got it! Reading it! Love it! Valuable info! And can see that it will be my go-to art business book for a long time to come. Well, at least until I master it. Ha. Thank you so much for sharing you knowledge, all in one book! Highlighting and writing in it all over the place. Truly love and recommend!

  4. Maria: Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I stumbled on your website researching how to find a brand for my art. I used to tell my kids that I will be another Grandma Moses because my life revolved around providing for them as a single parent and only doing the occasional commission or creating art for a family member out of love for them. Just recently I thought I have always wanted to have a business of my own and pondered what type it would be? I am recovering from an accident at home but still felt the need to be productive so I started painting again and with the help of my neuropsychologist helping me heal from a concussion, I was able to channel that creativity. I thought, why wait until I am retired to sell my art? So I have been creating as much art as I can, and reading each day about how to turn art into business. Your book is exactly what I need to fulfill my dream. Your candid approach is admirable and much appreciated. Your obvious expertise is well respected and most of all you followed your passion to help others through the struggles you and your husband have experienced. I love to purchase art works from local artists in galleries and at outdoor shows. I set a budget of how much I can spend when I set out to view the art. When an artist spends time to talk to me about their art I feel like I should pay them for the free advice. It really helps when artist sell small pieces for under $25.00 because I can afford that even after I spent what I budgeted myself to spend. I love your passion for searching for answers why an admirer of the art didn’t purchase any pieces. I wasn’t surprised to learn you too are an artist and the love for your mate produced a beautiful painting. I will definitely spread the word about your book and can’t wait to receive it from Amazon. I am so stoked! Thank you.

  5. Hello! I absolutely love the book and have found it both inspiring and practically useful.

    I have been listening to the audible version, and I thought it mentioned downloadable templates as well, and I’d love to use these but haven’t been able to find them. If you can send them along, I’d love it!

    Thanks again,


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