How to become KNOWN for your ART and build a Huge Following of Fans


Creatives often ask,

“How can I become known for what I do?”

The answer came to me in a flash yesterday, and it’s so simple!

It came to me after we picked up Visionary Artist Chris Dyer from the airport.  We are doing an art show with Chris in Brophy Art Gallery tomorrow.

Chris has been traveling with his art, painting murals and canvas all over the world, non-stop for years.

When he arrived yesterday, the first thing he did was stop at the art store and pick up supplies.

Jet-lag be damned, just minutes after arriving at our gallery, Chris set up a canvas and went to work, painting his passion with spray paint and Poscas!

He painted for hours, never stopping to take a break, not until Drew said “Let’s catch a surf before sunset!

Chris had just finished painting murals before he flew into California.  Last night at dinner I asked Chris why he didn’t need to rest before jumping into a new painting, and he said:

This is what I do….

This is who Chris is being; someone who creates art and spreads positivity and high vibes to all who are blessed to cross his path.

Of course, last night after dinner I laid in bed and analyzed it all.  I thought about how at a young age Chris has literally millions of fans and nearly 240,000 Instagram followers and never ending commissions.

And I came up with this formula, which isn’t totally new to me, but now I have a great example (Chris Dyer) to show why this formula works.

Here’s how you become known for what you do (and how to build a super fan base and business with your creativity):

✅Create a lot of art
✅Do it your own way
✅Put it out into the world
✅Make a lot more art and repeat!

AND a bonus:  Be nice to everyone, spread good vibes and leave a positive mark everywhere you go.

What do you think?  Do you agree this is a great way to make a huge mark on the world?  LEAVE A COMENT BELOW, I would love to hear from you!

xxoo Maria

PS:  We are having an Art Show with Chris Dyer at Brophy Art Gallery in San Clemente, CA on Saturday, July 10th from 4-10 p.m. Come see us!


19 Responses

  1. I agree with your assessment of how to be known for what you do.
    I don’t do it (YET) because at the moment I am learning to put up personal boundaries (for myself and others) so that I don’t continue allowing myself or others to get in my way. 🙂 Learning to be clear with my intentions to myself. No one else can possibly see or hear me as I intend. Thank you Maria!!

  2. Maria….this formula is so simple but it works all the time…I know because I follow this in my personal and art life….yes…they’re one and the same……thanks for the advice you offer to all… Baba’

  3. Love your article! I agree with the formula, it’s simple I like that! I can be committed to something like that.

  4. Hi Maria. I agree 100% with your formula. I realised it not too long ago. Just keep painting and putting it out into the world. Success is inevitable as long as you just keep going. I’m still very much part time, but the graph is climbing faster the longer I go. Thank you for all you do, you have been very inspiring for me 🙂

  5. Yes that sounds great just keep going that’s what I do and store the paintings until they sell the more I have the more I can sell also get noticed thanks David

  6. Putting it out there is the hard part. There are so many avenues on which to try. And so time consuming, that alone is a full time job and can be a real heartbreaker too.

    1. Valerie, I hear you! And my brain wants to find an easy solution for you – so I have this idea that I’m going to interview Chris Dyer and ask him how it was that he started to “get his work out there” and see what he says. It’s a great question for all the artists who have a large fan base. I’m going to get answers for you and the other artists who mention this. Thanks for the comment! 🙂

  7. Maria, I love that simple formula, and I think you and Drew follow it everyday, always on the move, creating, finding new ways to do better. Thank you for sharing such great stories!

  8. Maria, this article was so inspiring for me! What struck me was the idea of creating art everyday or every other day! I totally get that, but I think for me what makes the work meaningful and heartfelt is following my passion. This process is organic and intuitive in nature, it is being true to myself, “Spiritually focused” and purposeful. Moreover, it is what drives my momentum to create from a sense of truth and compassion.
    Thank you,

  9. 🎯 Your collected wisdom is as spot on as glass in the green room!! I would add “keep learning” And bravo to you and Drew for what you have built. It is an inspiring and beautiful model with good, good, good vibrations!!!! Thank you!

  10. Yes, you are right. I have to create more! Lately I was very busy with my webpage. It consumed all my time for the last four months and I am missing desperately my daily artwork routine. Thank you Maria for reminding me :-)!

  11. I love this. I’m a botanical artist and concerned my art is just too traditional.I want to be the rebel in botanical art and food/ still life( hate that term) world. It’s the finding the niche that I find hard.However reading this it’s also about getting it out there.. loving it..creating it and thankfully being a decent human being.

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