How to Sell Your Art for a Higher Price – Interview with Antrese Wood of Savvy Painter

When I’m interviewed about the business of art, I’m always thrown one question that is so difficult to answer, and it is:  How do you price artwork?

The reason this question is so hard to answer is because there are thousands of variables you have to work with.  Size, medium, mastery of the artist, popularity of the artwork, and so much more.

But, the most important element to pricing art is this:  What market do you CHOOSE to sell your art in?  And that is the starting point for pricing your work.

In a recent interview with Antrese Wood of The Savvy Painter, we talk about this topic and others, such as:

  • How knowing what you want is the first, most important thing you need to do to be a professional, full-time artist (and how to figure it out, if you don’t know)
  • The biggest mistake Drew and I made and how we nearly lost everything from it
  • How to sell your art, despite your resistance to it
  • How to position yourself to be an artist that sells higher priced paintings

Antrese is an excellent podcaster and interviewer.  Click below to listen in, as there are some great nuggets of wisdom we both share!

And please, share in the comments any thoughts you have on the info we share.  I love hearing your feedback.

Outline of This Episode

[1:50] I introduce my guest, Maria Brophy.
[3:30] Maria talks about how she started managing her husband.
[6:30] Knowing what you want.
[15:00] Steps toward working as a full-time artist.
[18:00] Lessons Maria and Drew learned from stepping out on their own.
[23:30] What would Richard Branson do?
[29:00] Knowing when to say no.
[31:00] Communicating your worth to friends and family.
[40:00] How to price your work.
[44:00] Positioning yourself as a high-value artist.
[49:00] How to sell your art without selling out.
[55:30] Habits of successful artists.

2 Responses

  1. Maria,
    I am that engineer! I just listened intently to your interview on the Savy Artist. I so appreciate your thoughtful, insightful and candid answers to so many questions and situations I have found in my own experience.
    I have been working as an engineer for 29 years, yet have been a part time professional artist for 20.
    I am so passionate for art. I consentrate on murals as my primary focus. I look forward to reading your book and just want to thank you for what you are doing for the creative types of whom I am proud to be a part of.

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