Are You An Artist? Poem by Guest Writer Archan Mehta

Happy Person photoA beautiful poem written by guest writer Archan Mehta:

Are you an artist?
Does your spirit soar
Like an eagle in the sky?
Do you often wonder why
The sky is blue?
Well, me too.

Are you an artist?
Do you get bored easily
By trivial, mundane things?
Are you a wandering being?

Are you an artist?
Do you sing in the shower?
Oh, the horror of your voice,
Although, you secretly rejoice!

Are you an artist?
Do you feel like
Dancing for no reason?
Or maybe just to celebrate
The changing of the seasons?

Are you an artist?
Do you kiss adorable toddlers,
Cute cheek to sweet cheek?
Do you like to meet perfect
Strangers at odd hours?
Do you love
The smell of tender flowers?

Are you an artist?
Do you like to luxuriate
On a sandy beach?
Would you rather stay away
From those who preach?

Are you an artist?
Do you frequently lose your keys?
How about shooting the breeze?

Are you an artist?
Do people around you
Complain that you are odd?
“Well, go take a hike, Todd.”

Are you an artist?
Do you gaze longingly into the unknown?
How about a date with Sharon Stone?

Are you an artist?
Does “Investment Banking”
Sound too lame?
Why, you are not
Even in that game.

Are you an artist?
Do your feet
Dance to the beat
Of the Rhythm and Blues?
Well, put on your dancing shoes!

Are you  an artist?
Do you catch yourself
Saying things like:
Groovy, babe, rock on, dig it, chick and man?
Did you secretly enjoy watching
“The Silence of the Lambs?”

Are you an artist?
Do you think tattoos are cool?
Are you good at breaking rules?

Are you an artist?
Do you fantasize and
Build castles in the air?
Why, even if people stare you down?
Who cares if they put on a frown?

Are you an artist?
Are you obsessed about
Shades, colors and lights?
Do you love to fly kites?
Do you travel very light?

Are you an artist?
Were you the class clown
Who made people laugh?
Did you suck at math?

Are you an artist?
Do you often dream about
Making this world a better place?
And want to achieve that
By demonstrating aesthetic grace?


Archan Mehta is a freelance writer, meditator, an outdoor enthusiast, who dreams about waking up at the crack of dawn and starting a blog. Feel free to contact Archan at at your own convenience.  (And be sure to encourage Archan to start that blog, because we want to read more!)

6 Responses

  1. Archan Mehta
    Thanks for this poem
    The things you have said
    Have really hit home.

    I relate to your words
    My spirit’s quite bright
    I know I’m an artist
    Because I see things in a different light.

    Create everyday
    And inspire others with what you do
    With only one shot
    Being an artist is a gift that was given to me and you.

  2. Ah, yes, Maria, but this poem would not have seen the light of day without your help and encouragement, so thanks for being you.

    Your sense of mission, your ability to encourage others, your altruistic nature: these are your strengths, and that’s why you are a star.

    You are also a generalist: versatile, good at doing so many things.
    At most, what people like me can expect is to learn from you, and that’s why I find it is a pleasure to read your blog. And you are a darned good writer. I just can’t wait anymore to read your next blog post. Best wishes.

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