Have Faith in your Stupidly Brilliant Ideas

“There isn’t a shortage of ideas.  There’s a shortage of execution.”
Seth Godin, bestselling author

The post below is written by Christine Kane, a brilliant creative woman who sends a newsletter chock full of great stuff every month:

How to Have Unwavering Faith in Your Own Ideas

by Christine Kane
Have you ever said something like this to a friend:

Okay – I have this idea…

[You then spend a good three minutes explaining your idea – and you finish off by asking,]

…Is that a good idea? Or am I just, like, COMPLETELY freakin’ NUTS?

So, let’s talk about this little habit for a moment, okay?

Here’s why.

Because #1: The IDEA is not the problem.

And #2: YOU are! 🙂

If you recognize yourself in that above example, it’s okay.  But please understand the REAL ISSUE.

The real issue is not about the idea. The real issue is about DOING IT.

And the even realer issue is about fear.   As Seth Godin says: “There isn’t a shortage of ideas. There’s a shortage of execution.”

So here’s a few simple ways to begin creating unwavering faith in your ideas – so you can (gasp!) DO something about them.

1. Consider HOW you share your ideas.

Say you’re sharing your idea with a friend. And say you add the self-deprecating “finisher.” (ie, “…or is that the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard?”)

This is the “smoke and mirrors” approach to sharing an idea. The share-ee, rather than getting to help you with your idea – now has to deal with the QUESTION you’ve presented – which is dramatic, self-defacing, and has nothing at all to do with your idea.

Imagine you’re sitting in front of Donald Trump, and he’s considering investing in your idea. Would he even give you a second of his time if you closed with one of your self-deprecating questions?

No way!

Your friend has the same dilemma.

When it comes right down to it, people read your energy MORE THAN they absorb your idea. If your energy is all over the place, it’s hard for them to take your idea seriously.

2 – “Procrastination-by-Inquiry.”

One night I caught an MTV video with an electric guitar player surrounded by women clad in nothing but plastic thongs. I got an idea for a song.

Rather than pick up my guitar and begin writing, I did the next best thing.

I waited.

Later, I called my friend Kathy. I explained about the video and about my song idea- and shared a list of reasons my idea was boring, and should I just give up on everything in my life?

After a long pause, Kathy said, “Tell you what Christine. You write the song. Then we’ll decide if it’s good.”

Face it. There’s absolutely NO way to know if an idea is going to be “a good idea.” In fact, there’s at least 10 good reasons it’s NOT going to work. Asking people about your idea is often just “Procrastination-by-Inquiry.” You aren’t going to know if it’s good until you start DOING something about it.

(By the way, that song I mentioned became my most requested song ever.)

3 – Be careful WHO you share your idea with.

I’m guessing there’s at least five people in your life with one common trait:

They’re the WORST people you could EVER share a new idea with. They’ll tell you it’s a terrible idea – and that yes you ARE, in fact, insane.

So, then, why are we compelled to share our ideas with these five folks?

Well, they provide an amazing service. In fact, we secretly LOVE these people!


Because then we never have to do anything! We don’t have to take action. After all, if Uncle Richie says that your idea for a vegetarian catering service stinks – then hey, good news! You don’t have to face your fears! Now you get to head home and dive headlong into a bag of Cheeto’s and watch reruns of The Biggest Loser!

Do yourself a favor. For the sake of your spirit and your ability to take action – be mindful of who gets to hear about ANY of your ideas.

4 – The most crucial question of all.

Here’s a question that will end all questioning and make you the most productive kid on your block.

“What is the very next step I need to take?”

When I knew I wanted to be a songwriter, I bought a guitar. I’d sit in my apartment and learn riffs while a metronome ticked along in the background.

At no time, during the implementing of these steps could anyone say to me: “Are you INSANE? You’re playing SCALES? Have you LOST YOUR MIND?”

No. Because I was simply taking the next step.

Here’s a secret:

Getting the idea is step one. The rest of the steps are all about tricking your ego into shutting up so you can get stuff done. The ego would prefer it if you’d just continue getting big ideas. The ego LOVES your big ideas because then it can reach into its arsenal of big fears and big dramas – and it can MATCH your big idea.

The ego doesn’t have much to say when you sit down and do some work for 30 minutes. That’s not nearly dramatic enough.

So, what’s the next step you need to take?

5 – Give it Legs.

The most successful people make decisions quickly.

Even if that doesn’t apply to every single decision, it makes perfect sense. Many of us let our emotions, our hooks, and our drama become the perfect excuse for procrastination and fear.

Wanna know the exactly how to have faith in your idea? Decide to do it.

Decision gives legs to intentions.

Make a decision. Tell someone you’re going to do it. Move forward. Then wake up tomorrow and decide again.

Anytime your faith wavers, decide again.

Repeat until successful.

Written by Christine Kane – the Mentor to Women Who are Changing the World. She helps women uplevel their lives, their businesses and their success. Her weekly LiveCreative eZine goes out to over 12,000 subscribers. If you are ready to take your life and your world to the next level, you can sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at http://christinekane.com.


Note From Me:  I loved this article, because it is a common problem I see every day, and Christine explains it so eloquently, and gives you tools to remedy the “killing” of great ideas.

A few years ago, I made the decision to stop sharing my “brilliantly stupid” ideas with certain family members and friends who just don’t get the big picture.  Now, I don’t tell them anything until AFTER I’ve made the idea happen.  Sometimes it takes years to “spill the beans” – but the benefit of not telling the nay-sayers is this:  they can’t put doubt in my mind and talk me out of it.

Some of my craziest ideas have been my best.  Like when I left a very lucrative job to work for myself, starting out making NOTHING.  And three years ago, I came up with an idea for a tv show.  Both crazy, both HUGE risks, and both have turned out to be great decisions.

Please, SHARE IN THE COMMENTS some of your CRAZY Ideas!  I promise I won’t talk you out of it!  Instead, I’ll be your cheerleader…

Maria xxoo



12 Responses

  1. Chrissy,

    This post makes you a class act and a tough act to follow. That’s how much it resonated with me. I appreciate your contribution.

    Once, I had an idea to date a girl. She was Irish and looked like a goddess. She had blue eyes, deeper than the ocean. A figure of an amazon lady. And a friendly nature that turned my legs into jello.

    I wanted to ask her out on a date, but I was my own worst enemy. I lacked the self-confidence and my friends told me I stood no chance.
    She would laugh in my face and say no. I was a loser.

    She had long, red hair and the kind of smooth skin that sets your pulse racing and puts your heart on fire. She was one of a kind and stood out in a crowd. Almost as if she popped out of a brochure.

    Everybody I knew tried to talk me out of it. See reason, you fool, why should she go out with you? Then, one fine day, I met her in the library.
    I said, “I’m going out for a cup of coffee, would you like to join me? It will be my treat, of course.”

    At first, she hesitated, but I persisted, politely. I told her she had been studying too long and could use the break. I could not believe my ears when she said yes. And we went out on a date and I bought her a nice meal too. I could not believe my luck and thought I must be dreaming, but I am glad now I listened to the still, small voice instead of my critics. The naysayers don’t always know what they are talking about.

    It was upto me, all along, to make my dream come true. And the Irish beauty even called me at my home later in the week. We became good friends. Just goes to show. Thank you. Cheers to your life.

  2. Christine-
    who is really holding me back, who is bringing me down, who is saying No!?- it’s me!
    sure there are plenty of negative people, but ultimately I reflect me.
    Now. My newest plans are completely over the top.
    there is absolutely NO way a normal person would believe they could ever get the funds to do what I want to do….build million $ rockets and launch them in the ocean. (just kidding the U.S. govt. already does that!)
    seriously, my biggest Killer is money. But this will never stop me, and never has yet. Perseverance and patience are my warriors.
    my ideas are big but my action is even Bigger.

  3. A month ago, I decided to get real about my artistic talents and licence my artwork. One month ago!
    I’ve since found you absolutely by chance, set out to learn all I can about art licensing and am working on a porfolio that I want done by next month.

    Thanks for being real & all kinds of inspiring : )


    1. Jessica, congratulations for deciding to embark on a new path! I wish you the best, and please let me know if I can help in any way!

  4. I needed this its such a good point not to share your ideas with people who dont see things the way a artist does. we are a different breed we dance to our own music, i now have a website and have to find more ways to promote it and sell some art. i have posted quite a bit but hasnt hit paydirt yet, any ideas i will check out ,,,,almajo

  5. Whenever my lack of resources mess with my emotions as a excuse not to Pursue My dreams I always tell Myself this -Do what You can with what You Got !…Persistence is Better than excuses because excuses are usually Lies…. –Great Topic ,Maria….

  6. Very helpful article! I just discovered your website after tonight’s ask call with Tara Reed. I’ll be back to your site again. Thanks for sharing such helpful topics about the world of art licensing.

    1. Christine, thanks so much for commenting on my blog and for listening in on Tara Reed’s “ask call”. It was a fun night!

  7. I loved this article! It is SO me and I agree with Kara. It is ME that holds me back because I don’t get the “You go, girl!” from many of my non-artist friends, I think I am crazy!

    I recently retired and decided to do what I wanted to do the entire time I was tied to a techie desk – create painted art! My first step was to concentrate in one area to build my own confidence or eliminate the medium and move on to another.

    I began to improve my watercolor skills by finding a local instructor. We became great friends so I felt very safe taking lessons, dumping old habits and asking ‘stupid’ questions. She gave me the confidence to take the next step. This September I attended an advanced watercolor workshop from Paul Jackson, internationally known watercolor artist. I loved it, learned a lot and now have more ‘tools’ in my bag to make art my business instead of a hobby.

    I still have a block with marketing my work but am spending 6 hours or more most days painting and building my inventory. I participate in local shows, enter competitions, have a website and do some commission work. I think my ‘stopper’ is that I’m afraid if I get super busy at this it will become a job, not a pleasure. I argue with myself that if it is such a pleasure already, how could it become ‘just a job!’

    Thank you for your article.

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