Why Artists need Support and a Recap of My Best Articles from 2009

I want to close this year with a re-cap of the best articles from this blog and what you can expect from me in 2010.

But first, a little explanation as to what this blog is really about:

Artists are born with a special ability.  While most of us just trudge through the day doing the mundane, artists SEE things.  They notice the way that dew glides off of the big leaves of an Elephant Plant.  They see spirit in the eyes of a crusty old man leaning against a brick doorway.  They view our world in such a way that enables them to capture the essence for us “average” people so that we, too, can “see” the starkness of life.

This gift is valuable to mankind.  We need art.  But the only way artists can fully develop and share their gifts with the world is if they are supported in the form of money for their creative talents.

My vision is that all creative people get to do what they love for a living, and to earn good money doing it. That’s why I write this blog.  To shed light on how successful artists have been able to earn a good enough living so they didn’t have to work a day job that they hate.

Below are links to the most popular posts I’ve written in 2009:


In 2010, I am committed to providing you, my reader, with top quality content that will contribute to the success of all artists.  I am focused on growing my readership to 500.  And, I have set a goal to earn money with this blog, since I put about 20 hours a week into it.

Just like my mother said to me when I was turning 18, I say this to my blog:  “now that you’re growing up, you’ll need to start pulling your weight around here”.

There are a few hurdles I have to jump over first.  For one, I need to come up with a concise “tagline” that will better define what this blog is about.  “Art, lifestyle, inspiration” sounds good, but I don’t think it’s right on the mark.  So I’m cogitating on that one for now.  (If you have any suggestions, write it in the comments.  If I use it, I’ll reward you somehow!)

I also have to work harder to post more often and at the same time give you top quality content.  For the month of January, I’ll post three times a week instead of my typical two.

You could help make this blog helpful for artists by doing one or more of the following:

WRITE A GUEST POST: I would love to publish guest posts from my readers!  Topics should cover art, writing, photography and anything creative.  You can write about business, motivation, stories about artists or art, etc.  Posts can be from 500 to 1,500 words.  The benefit to you would be that your website would be exposed to my readers, thus increasing traffic for you as well.  If you want to write a guest post, please e-mail me your article at mariab@drewbrophy.com.

SIGN UP FOR MY RSS FEEDS OR E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION:  I subscribe to about 20 different art, writing and blogger blogs myself.  I read them on my iphone while lying in bed or waiting for an airplane.  If you enjoy my articles, please subscribe!

COMMENT:  Your comments help me know what you are interested in reading about.  Let me know what you like about my posts as well as what you disagree with.  Also send me questions that you’d like me to answer.

TWEET, DIGG OR FORWARD MY POSTS:  If you get value out of my posts, please pass them onto others by tweeting, digging, or however else you communicate.

In 2010, I am looking to improve the financial landscape for artists through the sharing of information.  Please, join in on the vision and the conversation by commenting on my blog and others like it.

Also, please know that I appreciate you, my reader.  If you weren’t there, I wouldn’t be doing this thing that I love – writing and communicating with talented people.  Instead of writing, I’d probably have my TV. cable turned back on.

Life is good when you’re doing what you love.

Make this next year of 2010 the year that you live your life through your passions!

Maria xxoo

6 Responses

  1. Happy New Year and thank you for all your thoughts and lessons. I can’t always comment on all of your posts but I love that I can come back and re-read some of my favorites and what has helped me the most. You have always been an inspiration to me and I am grateful that you have shared your wisdom with me over the past several years. I wouldn’t be nearly as aware of my business practices without your help. You make it possible for artists to understand that being strong in business sense helps them become a better well rounded artist, and ultimately more successful in the future. You value our talents and I am so grateful for that! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Heather, for the kind words!

      I think you’ve learned, first hand, the power of technique. You have had success with using some of the business and marketing tools that work for artists.

      The trick is to apply those tools – which many artists don’t do. But you are living proof that it works, when you use it.

      Thanks for reading. I hope I can continue to provide useful information for you and everyone else!

  2. Maria, I love all the advice you give! Thanks!

    I like the idea of a tagline. I’m in the process of figuring out my mission statement, target market, and other parts of my self-brand. The tagline is like a condensed version of what you stand for! : )

  3. Hi ya Maria,-

    I enjoyed reading this post. You have asked for suggestions.

    I think a lot of your readers are interested (me included!) in knowing about more blogs and websites which cater to art and artists.

    Can you provide a list of those in your next post, please? That would be quite helpful to us–and much appreciated too.

    And, of course, your personal favorites. We value your insights.

    This is because you mentioned that you subscribe to many blogs/websites about artists and art, but we are rather clueless.

    And, yes, post more often, but only if you have some free time. Don’t put any pressure on yourself on our account. Your plate is already full. In the meantime, we’ll figure out a way to survive, don’t worry.

    We are also interested in reading about other artists and their life experiences: painters, poets, writers, singers, you name it. It would be great if you could dig up some fresh material to share with us.

    Not just invitations for guest posts, but from historical archives. You may be able to find such literary nuggets from your local library. Again, only at your own convenience, for you have a business to run!

    Those artists who achieved fame ( notoriety?) and financial success…well, we want to know about their life stories. We find such stories heart-warming and inspirational. It’s especially interesting to learn about the controversies which surrounded their lives. Thanks.

  4. Over all the most postive uplifting and helpful blog I’ve found. Thank you so much. I’ve just started digging in and hope to get through all you have wriiten to date.

    1. Thank you, Dawn! That’s the best compliment I can get! I hope you’ll sign up for my e-mailers or RSS feed so you’ll never miss post. I’ll try to keep them positive!

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