Commit to your Craft

Photo by Aaron Bickford
Photo by Aaron Bickford

Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the ‘right stuff’ to turn our dreams into reality.”  James Womack

You are what you do every day.

A painter paints

A writer writes

A sculptor creates sculptures

The completion of a book, painting, or sculpture requires:

  • A desire to create something from nothing
  • The seed of an idea
  • Working on the creation consistently, day after day
  • A commitment to following through

A person who writes every day has earned the title of writer (even if they aren’t published).

Someone who claims to be a painter, but only picks up the brush when inspired twice a year, is a hobbyist.

You are what you do every day.

And it’s the unfolding and expansion of what you do every day that sets the course for who you’ll be in a few years.

Commit to your craft by working on it daily, even if only for a little while.  You’ll expand your talent, your knowledge and your techniques.

Maria xxoo

(Photo by Aaron Bickford)

22 Responses

  1. Maria, what a great reminder! I’ve been finding that what I’m doing every day is not who I am (current job demands). You rock! Thanks for your words. We met at the recent Shambhala retreat, and I’m glad we could chat. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Erika, thanks for the comment! And I checked out your website – nice! Next time I’m in your area, I’m coming in for a Reiki treatment!

  2. so very true!paint,carve,and play my guitar.thanks for your inspiration.i.m a surfartist from new jersey.and sometimes its hard to keep inspired when its very cold.thanks for your warm words!!!
    much aloha,
    ronnie jackson

  3. I LOVE your site Maria!! You are truly inspirational!! I am so thankful I got to meet all of you over the holidays!! I look forward to following your blog and getting to know you all more!!!


  4. Maria,

    Thank you for this post: it inspires lost souls to commit to their craft.

    Whatever it is you do, make sure to take action on a daily basis.

    After a while, that daily action will lead to the formation of a habit.

    That is a good idea: it is practical and it is useful for artists, in general.

    You don’t have to do everything at once: break it down into small pieces, one by one, and watch it grow over time. Example:

    I was inspired to know that John Grisham, a lawyer, woke up early in the morning to write only one page a day before he left for work.
    Pretty soon, he had a book on hand, which was published eventually.
    And now he is a well-known writer and has written a number of books.

    Over time, baby steps taken daily can lead to huge rewards, finally.

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