Your Mind is a Magnet – What do you Want to Draw to You

I was thinking about this today, after reading a chapter out of Working with the Law by Raymond Holliwell and wanted to share it with you.

YOUR MIND IS A MAGNETyour thoughts and beliefs will bring to you that which you place most of your focus upon.

What you continuously think and dream about becomes true.  My entire life, all I’ve thought about was travel. Even as a kid, when my family never even took vacations, I dreamed of traveling. Somehow over the years I’ve drawn to me opportunities to travel to foreign lands and all over North America.

How you expect people to be is how you will experience them.  When I was raising my niece, she always had complaints about people “being rude” to her. It was interesting, because we would meet the exact same person and my experience would be that of delight and hers would be that of “that lady was mean to me” or some other negative observation.

Once something is in your mind, you keep on seeing it.  A couple years ago I bought a new charcoal colored Subaru. I love my car! Prior to buying it, I never noticed other cars like it. Now, I see them everywhere.

THE MIND IS A MAGNET – it brings towards it more of the same.

That’s why, when things get a little tough, we can SPIRAL DOWNWARDS and keep getting lower and lower, until we hit rock bottom.

And, that’s why when something goes good for us, we can SPIRAL UPWARDS and keep getting higher and higher.

I ask myself, first thing when I wake up, “What do I want to think about today?

When I find my mind getting fixed on things that are wrong with the world, or with me, I will catch myself and ask “is this serving me” and then I ask “what do I want to think about instead.”

Have you tried this?

Comment below and share. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Maria xxoo


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